Baylink Networks

A website for undersea fibre optics construction business

Project Details

Graphics and Web Designer.
Figma, Photoshop, WordPress.

Project Overview

As Baylink Networks grows as a company and taking on new projects. The company require a new brand positoning with a new website to generate leads and increase engagement rate on social media.

The Impact

Design Feedback

Overall survey feedback from A/B testing within the company was positive. There was a 63% increase in impressions and up to 2k organic search with an impressive average engagement time of 2 mintues.
Screenshot of the survey results and A/B testing results.

Design Process

Discovery Session

In order to start creating digital content for Baylink Networks, extensive research needed to be done to understand who and what they do. It is critical to consider staff specific roles, team roles, and the company's current project in collaboration with Connected Coast.
Notes of understanding the structring and services of Baylink Networks.

Information Architecture

I sat down with several managers with different departments as well as the company's CEO to talk about what sort of content they would like on the website. I have setup the proper sitemap and laid out where and what potential copywriting to include in each page.
The sitemap the the website
Content placement planning on the website


I start with simple napkin sketch, then translate my sketches from paper to Figma. Establish the layout, colours, typography and gathering branding components.
Landing page and about us page wireframes.


The website for Baylink Networks needed to be overhauled and redesigned. According to user surveys and research, Baylink Networks' staff members are unable to effectively explain to their peers or collaborators who they are and what they do. Baylink Networks' website will need to include still life photos and highlights its services related to construction and environmnetal work.

In addition, the website needs to highlight the technological benefits of its patent-protected fibre optic cables, and communicate to many website visitors who many not have any background in marine biology or environmental work.

Final Designs

Developing The website

I took my apporved designs and wireframes and start building the functional website through wordpress.

A design that can explain to both new applicants and potential investors

My goal is to design an approcahable website to be informative and build trust. Any new design intervention to help establish Baylink Network's unique position to offer turnkey solution for undersea fibre optic installation.

Inquiring directly with the CEO and all the way down to the warehouse and office staff. In contrast to most construction companies' landing pages, I've designed custom illustrations for Baylink Networks.
Orignal website screenshot
New website screenshot

Interactive Elements

I wanted to direct the user to understand the company's services and background as quickly as possible without overwhelm them with overloads of information. The copywriting for each service is a lot for a single page, and too little to be on its own. 

Therefor, I have have placed several interactive elements to organize the provided copywriting materials. 
Page Anchor Animations
Service Description Animation
Information Detail Animation

Final Thoughts

Overall, the opportunity to work as a lead designer for a large client to handle brand position and designing a marketing platform to generate leads was a very valuable to me as a product designer. I learned how to carefully listen to the stakeholder and critically analyze for opportunites to apply design internventions. I was able to completely refresh the company's position, provided assets and materials for multiple marketing materials, and the new website, have brought the company increase of traffic for all social media platforms, great feedback from client, and more contract opporutinties.

Below are some examples of the new website and graphical materials.
Homepage Redesign
Main Page Designs
Internal Branding Guideline Designs
Social Media Graphical Templates
Icon Set Designs
Stationary Design Items

See the website

Baylink Networks

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